Galactomyces! 🤓
Why are Galactomyces essential to our skin? There are quite a few ingredients that we hear about, or we might even put them on our face. What if there are also some others that we do not know so well, but deserve our attention as well? For me, the answer is definitely Yes. There are, […]
Toner – Essence – Lotion!
What are their differences between toner, essence and lotion? All of us who love to learn about new and strange skincare tips, have read about very effective lotions with hyaluronic and active ingredients. Or for the toner for seven skin method and of course many new essences that enter our life dynamically to “disrupt” our […]
Gua Sha Video step by step! 🎬
Learn how to Gua Sha step by step! One of the most popular articles on our blog is the one about natural lifting with Gua Sha. If you have not read yet, click on the link and dedicate 5᾽. You will not regret it! I remind you that Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese method of […]
The 4 unusual beauty tips!
Here is a perfect, different and beautiful article about 4 unusual beauty tips!! Those of us who are beauty lovers and even beauty junkies (and I’m talking about myself, who I definitely am 😂) I imagine that we spend hours to search for new trends in products and beauty gadgets. So today I’m not going […]
Eyelid drop? Try FACE YOGA Exercises! 🎬
Eyelid drop? Something that we are definitely not happy to hear, especially if we have seen the first signs or if our mom has it… then there is panic! Before you start looking and asking for eyelid surgery, I would suggest entering the world of Face Yoga, and I promise you will be amazed! First […]
Everything we need to know about lymph!
We often hear the words lymph, lymphatic massage, lymphedema, facial drainage and more. All these are related to a common feature and that is the Lymph! Let’s start by explaining what a lymph is according to science. (wikipedia) Lymph is the intercellular fluid found in the lymphatic system and around vertebrate tissues. The total volume […]
Say goodbye to the wrinkles of the mouth 🎬
Have you ever heard about the term face barcode or mouth barcode? It is the term we use quite often in facial anatomy and in face yoga to describe the lines-wrinkles we make around the mouth, which really look like a barcode if you pay attention to them! Of course, the fundamental question at this […]
What are the wrinkles, collagen and elastin?
Do you know what wrinkles are? Learn below what’s causing them and how to prevent it! I think that when we talk about our beauty and the preservation of our youth, the No. 1 fear is wrinkles! While we say the word wrinkle several times a day, do we finally know what is it and […]