Toner – Essence – Lotion!

What are their differences between toner, essence and lotion? All of us who love to learn about new and strange skincare tips, have read about very effective lotions with hyaluronic and active ingredients. Or for the toner for seven skin method and of course many new essences that enter our life dynamically to “disrupt” our […]
Gua Sha Video step by step! 🎬

Learn how to Gua Sha step by step! One of the most popular articles on our blog is the one about natural lifting with Gua Sha. If you have not read yet, click on the link and dedicate 5᾽. You will not regret it! I remind you that Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese method of […]
Say goodbye to the wrinkles of the mouth 🎬

Have you ever heard about the term face barcode or mouth barcode? It is the term we use quite often in facial anatomy and in face yoga to describe the lines-wrinkles we make around the mouth, which really look like a barcode if you pay attention to them! Of course, the fundamental question at this […]
FACE YOGA – Video🎬

Do you know that our face needs stretching? The answer is yes, of course! Why? Because our face is made up of 57 muscles that need to stretch! Also think that our face has only 4 of the 5 senses so the intensity that accumulates is great and unfortunately, we do not understand it… So, […]
FACE YOGA exercises in 5′

This article and video with Face Yoga exercise in 5’ are for everyone! Face Yoga exercises with Areti Kafantari (i.e., me 😉) in 5᾽ for the face and neck! These are the exercises with which you can start Face Yoga for the first time, the exercises that can help you get a good result. Also, […]
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