Do you know that our face needs stretching?
The answer is yes, of course! Why? Because our face is made up of 57 muscles that need to stretch! Also think that our face has only 4 of the 5 senses so the intensity that accumulates is great and unfortunately, we do not understand it…
So, our face needs stretching every day, when we wake up and before we go to sleep. Stretching also helps a lot in the perspiration of our face, which makes us look younger and our skin firmer. And now that I hope I have convinced you that we need stretching, how do we stretch our face?
The simple and easy way is to make whichever movement we feel our face wants to make in order to stretch, just like we stretch our body when we wake up or when we are in the same position for a long time.
We also need stretching before we start our exercises and of course when we abstain from Face Yoga for a long time.
The following video is dedicated to the magic of face stretching!
May you have a good practice and do not forget to have a very clean face when you start stretching or prior to Face Yoga exercises.
Do not forget that you can contact me for more information on the beauty topics we discuss or other beauty issues that concern you, beauty diet, face yoga, face yoga classes and beauty advice by sending me an email at [email protected]
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