This article and video with Face Yoga exercise in 5’ are for everyone!
Face Yoga exercises with Areti Kafantari (i.e., me 😉) in 5᾽ for the face and neck! These are the exercises with which you can start Face Yoga for the first time, the exercises that can help you get a good result. Also, they are the perfect exercises for prevention and anti-aging of the face and neck.
Face Yoga exercises in 5’ come with some simple instructions:
- Drink 1 glass of water 30᾽ before our exercises
- Have a clean face without makeup, and use a light hydration (serum or cream)
- Do the exercises pleasantly, in no case should we feel any kind of pain in our face
- Repeat the exercises daily, at about the same time. I would suggest doing the exercises at night before bed so that your face can rest afterwards.
- In the beginning it is good to do the exercises in front of a mirror.
Due to the fact that the changes in your face will be small and daily, I would like you to take a photo of your face before you start and after 4 weeks to take another one in the same place, so that you can see the result. I’m waiting for you to share with me your results!
Enjoy and I am sure that after 4 weeks (not to mention earlier) I will see you in my Face Yoga classes online!
Do not forget that you can contact me for more information on the beauty topics we discuss or other beauty issues that concern you, beauty diet, face yoga, beauty advice by sendinf me an email at [email protected]
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