Harper’s Bazaar

Areti Kafantari in top-ranked Greek magazine Harper’s Bazaar She describes all the benefits from practicing Face Yoga
Face Yoga exercises with Areti Kafantari

Get the perfect lifting with Face Yoga

The 4 unusual beauty tips!

Here is a perfect, different and beautiful article about 4 unusual beauty tips!! Those of us who are beauty lovers and even beauty junkies (and I’m talking about myself, who I definitely am 😂) I imagine that we spend hours to search for new trends in products and beauty gadgets. So today I’m not going […]
Change 5 daily habits to prevent wrinkles

We all do everything to prevent or eliminate the wrinkles on our face! So, what if I told you that there are 5 daily habits that cause us a lot of wrinkles because we simply bring our muscles into contraction repeatedly throughout the day. The Face Yoga solution with Areti Kafantari. In 8᾽ that lasts […]
Say goodbye to the wrinkles of the mouth 🎬

Have you ever heard about the term face barcode or mouth barcode? It is the term we use quite often in facial anatomy and in face yoga to describe the lines-wrinkles we make around the mouth, which really look like a barcode if you pay attention to them! Of course, the fundamental question at this […]
What are the wrinkles, collagen and elastin?

Do you know what wrinkles are? Learn below what’s causing them and how to prevent it! I think that when we talk about our beauty and the preservation of our youth, the No. 1 fear is wrinkles! While we say the word wrinkle several times a day, do we finally know what is it and […]
FACE YOGA – Video🎬

Do you know that our face needs stretching? The answer is yes, of course! Why? Because our face is made up of 57 muscles that need to stretch! Also think that our face has only 4 of the 5 senses so the intensity that accumulates is great and unfortunately, we do not understand it… So, […]
What we don’t put on our face!

What we should NOT be using on our face! We have literally been bombarded with hundreds of trends and beauty products (and you know I love this!). These trends have now reached both ends – on the one hand the cutting edge of technology with fantastic products from Korea, France and many other countries, and […]
Beauty Sleep!

Is beauty sleep a myth or reality? How many times did you return from vacation, and everyone asked you what you did to your face? Sleep is one of the main reasons this happens! Yes, you read correctly, sleep! Now it’s time for the relevant questions to follow… Can lack of sleep make our skin […]
FACE YOGA exercises in 5′

This article and video with Face Yoga exercise in 5’ are for everyone! Face Yoga exercises with Areti Kafantari (i.e., me 😉) in 5᾽ for the face and neck! These are the exercises with which you can start Face Yoga for the first time, the exercises that can help you get a good result. Also, […]
Antioxidant face mask with MATCHA NINJA

Learn how to make an Antioxidant face mask with MATCHA NINJA As we have said many times in the past, we put on our face only ingredients that we could also eat! Matcha Ninja is not only for eating or drinking! Everyone talks about the value of antioxidants and especially about matcha ninja. How can […]